Monday, May 8, 2017

Balance of Payments

I.            Measure of money inflows and outflow between the US and the world.
a.      Inflows are credits
b.      Outflows are debits
II.            Three accounts
a.      Current Account
                                                  i.      Balance of trade: Exports are a credit while imports are a credit
                                                ii.      Net foreign income: Income earned by American foreign assets- income paid to foreign held US assets
                                             iii.      Net Transfers (unilateral): Foreign aid is a debit.
b.      Capital Account
                                                  i.      The balance of capital ownership
                                                ii.      Purchase if real and financial assets
                                             iii.      Direct investment in the US is a credit to the capital account.
                                             iv.      Direct investment by US firms in a foreign country is a debit.
                                                v.      Purchase of foreign financial assets is a debit
                                             vi.      Purchase of domestic financial assets by foreigners is a credit.
c.       Official Reserves
                                                  i.      Foreign currency holdings of the Fed.
                                                ii.      When there is a balance of payments surplus Fed accumulates foreign currency and debits the balance of payments.
                                             iii.      When there is a balance of payments deficit the fed depletes foreign currency and credits the balance of payments.
                                             iv.      Official Reserves + balance of payments = 0
III.            Current + Capital= 0
IV.            Balance of Trade:
a.      Exports - imports
V.            Balance of Goods & Services:
a.      (Goods exports + services exports) - (Goods imports + services imports)
VI.            Balance on Current Account:
a.      Balances of Goods & Services + Net investment + net transfers
VII.            Balance on Capital Account:
VIII.            Official Reserves
a.      Add current account + capital account = 0

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