Thursday, February 9, 2017


I.            A general rise in the level of prices.
II.            Inflation reduces purchasing power. The things you can buy with the same amount of money.
III.            She said "McDonald's and Jack in the Crack"
IV.            Prices have doubled since 1982. they have sextupled since 1961
V.            Causes
            a.            Printing too much money
            b.            Demand-pull inflation: too many dollars for too little goods. Excess demand over supply that raises prices.
             c.            Cost-push inflation: Higher production costs increases prices. Minimum wage.
VI.            (((Current Year Price Index) - (Base Year Price Index))/ (Base Year Price Index))*100
VII.            GDP deflator/ CPI : (nominal/real)*100
VIII.            Inflation rate: (New CPI - Old CPI)/Old CPI
IX.            Rule of 70
            a.            Used to calculate the number of years it will take to for the price level to double at any given rate of inflation.
            b.            70/(Annual Inflation Rate)
X.            Deflation
            a.            General decline in price level.
XI.            Disinflation
            a.            Occurs when the inflation rate declines.
XII.            Real interest rate the percentage increase in purchasing power that the borrower pays to the lender (adjusted for inflation).
            a.            Nominal - inflation rate= real
XIII.            Nominal interest rate: the percentage increase in money that the borrower pays back to the lender (not adjusted for inflation).
            a.            Real + inflation rate= nominal
XIV.            Hurt by inflation
            a.            Lenders
            b.            Savers
             c.            Fixed income
           d.            Everyone
XV.            Helped by inflation
            a.            Borrowers
            b.            Debtors
Business when  the price of product rises before the price of the producing it does.

Crash Course Economics #7

1 comment:

  1. You have all the information in your notes. Which is pretty good but you should probably organize it so that you are able to clearly see what you are studying.
