Monday, February 20, 2017

Aggregate Demand

I.            The amount of GDP desired by private, public, or foreign sector to be purchased at each possible price level
a.      AD : aggregate demand = C + I + G + X = GDP
b.      PL: Price level
III.            They're inverse
a.      Wealth effect: higher price= lower purchasing power
b.      Interest effect: higher prices require higher interest rates which discourage spending and loans.
c.       Foreign trade (build the wall): higher prices = exports fall and imports rise (unless you build the wall)
IV.            Shifts can be
a.      Change in GDP
b.      Multiplier effect
c.       Increase in AD = AD -->
d.     Decrease in AD= AD <--
V.            Determinants:
a.      Δ consumption
                                i.            Consumer wealth
                              ii.            Consumer expectations
                           iii.            Household indebtedness
                           iv.            Taxes
b.      Δ investment spending
                                i.            Real interest rate
                              ii.            Future business expectations
                           iii.            Productivity and technology
                           iv.            Business tax
c.       Δ Government spending
                                i.            War (good)
                              ii.            Nationalized health care (bad)
                           iii.            Decrease in defense spending
                           iv.            Spending increase = AD -->
                              v.            Spending decrease = AD <--
d.     Δ net exports
                                i.            Exchange rates

1 comment:

  1. Very good notes, Mr. Ethan Blanchard, they are all very detailed. I think you should add another example of change in exports. You could put National Income compared to abroad. Great blog, love the very descriptive video!
