Thursday, January 19, 2017


        I.            The point at which the supply curve intersects with the demand curve. Still efficient
      II.            Excess Demand: occurs when quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied.
i.        QD>QS.
ii.      A shortage.
    III.            Price ceiling: When the State puts a legal limit on how high a price of a product can be.
i.        Found under the equilibrium point. Also a shortage.
ii.      State sets a limit on flu shots. Eventually the supply will run out.
iii.    Shown by the gap of the ceiling between supply and demand lines on the y-axis.
    IV.            Excess Supply: quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded.
i.        QS>QD
ii.      A surplus
iii.    Producers have inventories that they cannot rid. Creates a price floor
      V.            Price Floor: the lowest legal price a commodity can be sold at.
i.        Minimum wage. Can't remain competitive.
Image result for price floor and price ceiling


  1. Nice, informative notes. Make sure you include a supplement such as an image or video to help recall the material. A graph would be nice here. Also, text me back.

  2. An example of a price ceiling would be rent control.

  3. Organized notes, however the set up of the blog is set up where it has no table of contents. Thus, it is hard to navigate through the blog. Overall, well done "Ethanomics".
